Menorah 101
A Basic Summary of Holiday Laws in a Clear and Simple Style Finding the Right Menorah It is a mitzvah to use as beautiful a menorah as one can afford . A menorah is only as beautiful as it is functional and
Seder 101
A basic summary of its laws in a clear and simple style by Rabbi Yochanan Schnall. Erev Pesach- the day prior to Pesach Erev Pesach is a day that has many unique laws. Some of the following are well known but
The Days Before Pesach
Halachos of Erev Pesach by Rabbi Yochanan Schnall The Days Before Pesach 5781Download
A Purim Primer
Laws in a simple and concise language for the holiday of Purim. Purim Primer 5781Download
High Holidays
A basic summary of Yom Tov Halachos in a clear and simple Style by Rabbi Yochanan Schnall High Holidays part 1 (basic).5781Download
Yomim Nora’im
A basic summary of Yom Tov Halachos in a clear and simple Style by Rabbi Yochanan Schnall. Erev Rosh Hashanah In anticipation of Yom Tov, it is a good idea to spend a few minutes and find a good machzor. Taking the